I, a lifelong learner
15 Apr 2019 - by Chieh-Han Chen #competition #awards #projects #english
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It ‘s never too late to learn.

When I was little, I was always told to live and learn. Since then, learning new things and tackling down problems became my habbit. My first year in Germany was not that easy. I tried hard to find ways to make myself feel like living here. Instead of going out every night, I took part in several competitions and conferences - which isn’t as odd as it sounds.

Google Hash Code
I participated with my friend Yang twice at GHC. We still haven’t gotten into the fianl round yet. But we will try again next time! A very interesting competition with all NP-hard problems

AUDI Smart Factory Hackathon
It was an honored to get into the final round of AUDI Smart Factory Hackathon and solve the very specific real case. AUDI provided us what we needed and served us well. We even had the chance to have a look at how a car was made. A group picture taken with our mentors

Django: Under the Hood
It is sad that I joined the last DUTH. Unlike a typical conference, DUTH is small but very technical. I learned a lot while listening to the talk and had eaten Stroopwafel a lot in Amsterdam!!! DUTC is my favorite conference in EU

SAP Coding Masters 2016
SAP Coding Masters was my first personal programming game. I was lucky to be the top-4 in the pre contest and made it to the second place on the final with my assgined teammates all from Germany. I made it! I pretty much love the prize and the arduino starter kit!😎

{Hack} To The Roots Mannheim Hackathon 2016
{Hack} To The Roots was my first hackathon ever in life. Thanks to my teammates, we came out nerdy and funny ideas during the 24 hours. I remembered that when I went home, I just slept till the next day. Presented our MAdler - a human friendly Bot for public transportation

We share a passion for using computer science and software engineering to solve problems that make a difference in the world.

I guess this is why I still like programming today - to make our world different and better.

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