Djangogirls, a community with ❤
13 Apr 2019 - by Chieh-Han Chen #blog #workshop #english
§ blog

Being frustrated with the preparation of an upcoming event, I decided to review my time being a DjangoGirls contributor and collect ideas while filing them up.

Hi! My name is Aimee and this is my N-th Djangogirls Workshop…

This was always my opening when I introduced myself at the workshop. I still remembered that last time after @keimlink said it was his X-th Djangogirls Workshop, I started to count which number should I put into my N here. Today, I just realized that I have been here for a while and it will be my 10th Djangogirls Workshop soon!!!! 🎉

I am always counting my N=? photo by @DjangoGirlsLE

So, I decided to write them down before struggling with the N again:

Time   Place
2018 Nov. 24 Leipzig #3
2018 May 22 Heidelberg #1
2017 Nov. 18 Leipzig #2
2017 June 24 Taipei #5
2016 Nov. 19 Leipzig #1
2016 July 9 Taipei #4
2016 March 29 Budapest #1
2015 May 30 Taipei #2
2014 Sept. 27 Taipei #1

On this Journey, you are not alone!

Four years ago, I came to Germany to improve my German and pursue my study. Comparing to where I am from, Germany is such a large country. I didn’t know where to meet new people and immerse in the local culture. What only came to my mind was: Djangogirls.

I searched for Djangogirls groups in Germany and saw there would be a workshop in Leipzig. I wrote to @DjangoGirlsLE and asked if I could contribute as a coach for them. @allerleiPzig and @Friede5Friede, both amazing women I know from Leipzig, gave me a warm welcome. Soo after, I have already coached there for three times.

Teaching people from different nationalties is challenge and interesting, photo by @DjangoGirlsLE

In these workshops, I have met a lot of amazing people in every gender, every color. Everytime, when I returned back from the workshop, I felt energetic and I appreciated every people who made these happened. I especially enjoyed the diversity in each workshop from different cities to different countries all over the world.

Never forget group picture! photo by @DjangoGirlsLE

Each one, teach one.

In this community, I saw former djangogirls attendee becoming coaches and sharing their experience in different places. When I first attended, I didn’t think about taking part in 8+ workshops. The first time I became a coach, I was terrified to be not good enough. But thanks to the community who gave me supports whenever I needed.

I gave tutorial during Workshop, photo by djangogirls taipei

The journey has not ended yet!

I don’t know when and where will be my 10th workshop, but I am sure that I will keep writing my pages and share my love of coding in this society.

Thank you everyone who makes this happened! photo by @DjangoGirlsHD

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